Gaston County residents plans to declutter and garden

2023-02-16 16:20:25 By : Ms. Kathy Kathy

It’s the start of a new year, and since I’m a planner, I thought I could at least provide some important dates for you to add to your calendars.

Each year, Gaston County Solid Waste and Recycling works in conjunction with Gaston County Parks and Recreation Department to schedule our Household Hazardous Waste collection events.

So, get your calendars out and include the following dates in your calendars.

Our first event will be March 4, 2023, at the Dallas Park, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas. All our events are held here, as this site has been permitted by the state for this purpose.

Please look for temporary signs that will direct you to our building (it is located near the old animal shelter). Please, when there is a fork in the road, stay to the right, as our traffic patterns is for safety and moves in a counterclockwise fashion.

The second event is April 1, 2023...not an April Fool’s joke! These are the two scheduled for the spring, so keep this is mind as you may have plans to move or just declutter. The third and fourth events will be held in the fall, Sept. 23 and Nov. 4, 2023.

Our time schedule is the same for all four events, 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

We will accept the same materials as in the past: oil based paints, water-based paints, varnishes sealers, caulk, driveway sealant, old gas, mixed gas, motor oil, antifreeze, auto lubricants and fluids, household cleaners and polishes, drain and plumbing products, adhesives, household poisons including insect and rodent killers, herbicides including weed killers, used cooking oil, pressurized cans including aerosols, small butane cannisters, propane tanks, helium tanks, (please note: we do not take oxygen tanks…they must be returned to the place of purchase), fluorescent lamps, CFL bulbs, rechargeable batteries only (no alkaline batteries), thermostats and mercury containing thermometers.

We do not accept any electronics, tires or household trash at these events. Electronics and tires can be dropped off at County Convenience sites only (not the two located in Gastonia). So as you begin to sort and clean for the spring, keep this list of acceptable items in mind.

Other dates to put into your calendars: Keep Gastonia Beautiful and Gaston County Solid Waste will host our spring shredding event at the Gastonia Farmers Market, 434 E. Long Ave., Gastonia on Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 8 a.m. until noon. Patrons are limited to three banker box sized containers of personal paperwork to be securely shredded. Please do not use plastic bags, as they can tear when removed from vehicles!

Gaston County Solid Waste and Recycling will again be selling mulch at our Yard Waste Facility located at 3120 Philadelphia Church Road, Dallas in March. Since our Household Hazardous Waste collection will be March, 4, we will begin sales on March 11, 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Please call 704-922-7729 or 704-922-0267 to confirm this date. For $2, you will receive a generous 2 cubic yard of mulch, and we ask that you come prepared with a tarp, bungie cords, shovel and/or rake to level out your mulch before leaving the yard.

Remember that mulch flying off your trailer or truck can be fined as litter.

Please watch for other county sponsored community event in 2023 in this column or the County’s Facebook page. Like us for up to date information of the happenings in Gaston County!

Nan Kirlin is recycling coordinator for Gaston County.